The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new, Europe-wide law that replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. It is part of the wider package of reform to the data protection landscape that includes the Data Protection Bill. The GDPR sets out requirements for how organisations will need to handle personal data from 25 May 2018
Individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. This is a key transparency requirement under the GDPR
Organisations must provide individuals with information including: purposes for processing their personal data, retention periods for that personal data, and who it will be shared with. This is called ‘privacy information’.
To view this information please click the link below:
General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)
Opting out of sharing your data
Physical Health Checks For People With Severe Mental Illness
Subject Access Request Policy (Accessing your medical records)
Acklam Medical Centre Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice - Appointments in General Practice Dashboard
NHS Digital Data Caridovascular Disease Prevention Audit