Practice Updates

22nd Jun 2023


 Practice Update

Patient Participation Group

The purpose of this group is to facilitate patients and practice staff to work together sharing ideas to help improve the services we offer, in addition to sourcing any local community services that may help enhance aspects of patients' lives. We held our latest patient meeting at the practice on 4th July 2023.  If you are interested in reviewing a summary of this meeting please click here. In addition, please click on Annual PPG report if you wish to review this also.


Patient Survey Results

We have collated data from our recent Patient Survey of which 427 forms were handed out for completion. The survey was available to complete via our website, at reception and sent via email to all Patient Participation Group members (PPG). If you would like to view these results, please click here. Alternatively, please ask a member of our reception team if you wish for a paper copy of any of the above documents.