Clinics We Offer

Don’t forget that the Practice Nurses can deal with many problems without recourse to the doctor. You are encouraged to make an appointment to see the nurse for many aspects of health advice.
Our Nurses deal with pre-travel and ‘flu immunisation, blood tests, injections, dressings, wound care. The Nurses also run clinics looking after diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, cervical smear tests etc and are able to give expert dietary, contraceptive and lifestyle advice.
Other Services
- ECG facilities
- Minor surgical procedures (including freezing warts with liquid nitrogen).

District Nurses
Our Community Nurses offer a complete range of nursing services within the home setting.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors provide a full-time service, mainly to under fives. They are notified of all new births and will visit mothers at home after the midwife has completed her care. If you have a problem and need to contact the Health Visitor speak to reception who will advise you of a contact number.
Maternity Care
All the partners provide a full maternity service in conjunction with the Midwife. Full ante-natal and post-natal care is given and all arrangements for your confinement will be made
Please talk to us beforehand if you are thinking about a future pregnancy, as there are several positive things you can do to increase your chances of a healthy baby.